What is Average Percentage? How to calculate it with Formula and Examples.

What is Average Percentage? How to calculate it with Formula and Examples.

Publish Date : 04 Jan, 2024

In simple words, percentage shows how much out of 100 of something you have. It is the ratio or proportion of something out of 100.

For example: If we have 100 b

alls in a basket, 40 of them are red and the remaining 60 balls are white. Then this would mean 40% of the total balls are red and 60% of the total balls are white.

Average Percentage Formula

Likewise, Average percentage is the arithmetic mean of a set of percentage values. It gives you a general idea of the overall trend, importance or average value of a collection of percentages.

How to calculate the average percentage?

Finding the average of multiple percentages is not the same as finding the average of two or more numbers. When you want to calculate the average percentage, remember that you usually have to figure out the actual numbers behind

those percentages first.


Average Percentage

To understand the terms in above formula we must have to go through some steps:

1- Convert the percentage into decimal

The first step is to convert the percentage into a decimal number. This would be done simply by dividing each percentage by 100.


Suppose we have to calculate the average of 80% of 500 samples and 60% of 1000 samples.

After dividing each percentage by 100 we will get 0.80 and 0.60.

2- Determine the number each decimal value represents

We have already converted the percentages into decimals, now all we have to do is to find the number that each decimal value represents.

For this we have to multiply the decimal value by number of samples.

So, using above example:

  • 0.80 x 500 = 400
  • 0.60 x 1000 = 600

We will get number 400 and 600 after multiplication.

3- Add Numbers together

The third step is just to add these numbers found in the above step.

Number 1 + Number 2 = ?

So, 400+600 = 1000.

4- Add Sample Size together

The fourth step is to add the sample size together.

Sample 1 + Sample 2 = ?

So, 500+1000 = 1500

5- Find Percentage Average

The final step is to put all the values in formula to calculate percentage average:

Find Average Percentage Step 1

Find Average Percentage Step 2

Find Average Percentage Step 3

Find Average Percentage Step 4

Theoretical Example:

How do I find the average of 5 percentages?

To figure out the average percentage of five percentages , you need to:

  1. Find the sample sizes of each percentage.
  2. For each percentage, multiply it by its sample size.
  3. Add the five numbers obtained in step 2.
  4. Add the five sample sizes.
  5. Divide the numbers sum from step 3 by the sample size sum from step 4.
  6. The resulting answer is the average percentage.


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