Algebraic Numbers with definition and applications in daily life

Algebraic Numbers with definition and applications in daily life

Publish Date : 29 Dec, 2023

An algebraic is the basic concept of algebraic equations and number theory. An algebraic number includes all rational numbers, some irrational numbers and integers. An algebraic number is a real number that satisfies a polynomial equation with integer coefficients.


         An algebraic number, whether complex or real, is a solution to a polynomial equation with coefficients in the form of integers.


8 is an algebraic number because it is the solution of x-8=0.

It’s square root is also an algebraic number because it is the solution of x²-8=0.

An unknown number ‘x’  is an algebraic number if it satisfies a polynomial equation such as:

  Formula for Algebra

        Algebra Formula

Where, an, an-1, a1 and a0 are the integers with ‘n’ a non-negative integer.

Suppose we have an algebraic expression 10x3.

In above expression 10 is coefficient, 3 is exponent (power of variable) and x is variable.


Applications in daily life


1- Health and Fitness

          Knowledge of algebraic numbers is helpful for your health and fitness in daily routines. Like, while gaining weight, losing weight, food intake and calories burn. Similarly, you can calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI), and you can find your blood pressure.

2- Technology

          Smartphones that we use, vehicles that we drive, video games that we play on our screens and visual designs that show on screens with pixels all are examples of algebraic numbers. The characters that we see on laptop or computer screens are a collection of symbols and these symbols are collected and arranged with the help of algebraic numbers.

3- Sports

          Basketball players calculate trajectory to make a goal. Footballers make a trajectory to goal between two pools. Cricketers hit six or four with trajectory all are the daily life physical examples of algebraic numbers.

4- Business and Finance

           Algebraic numbers have a basic role in business and finance to find profit and loss. Similarly, algebraic numbers decide the exchange rates, interest rates, expenses, sale price, purchase price and discount price.

Algebra in Business & Finance

5- Time Management

           Algebra and Algebraic numbers have vast applications in the field of time management. To calculate the departure time and to calculate the arrival time of a flight or bus or train or any vehicle, algebraic numbers play a vital role in this scope.


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